Thursday, September 18, 2008

Details, too

There's so much...

One place I really could imagine was on page 173.

"As we rattle down the dirt road leaving the airport, I clutch the window ledge with my fingertips and peer through the dusty glass at the Dominican Republic. Images blaze in the van's headlights then disappear. Clapboard shanties gussied up in jewel colors, pink, purple, green. Solitary figures with baskets and bundles of sticks on their heads...."

So moving-

the "clutching" with fingertips- it's desperate and futile. The "gussied up" shanties: a mix of rural pride and economic hardship. Scheeres say so much in just a few words.


Kari Redmond said...

Joyce- bummed I didn't get to hear you read this out loud last night! Maybe now that we are carpooling I can make you read to me! I love listening to you read because you really get into it. That is all. Maybe you could make some of our academic type readings more interesting :) Just kidding!

Joyce said...

...and for our carpool next week, a dramatic reading of Chapter 20: The Role Of Handover in Teaching For Democratic Participation!

Get your tickets now, before they're all sold out!